Sunday, February 10, 2008

Do you know?

Do you know what -14 degree temperatures feel like? What about adding in the "windchill factor" to get that -34 degree feeling?

I do.

As if to say, "Welcome to Minnesota," Mother Nature decided to blast my little dog and I with frigid temps. Baylee was NOT having it this morning, so our usual jaunt around the neighborhood turned into a quick squat in the snow beside the door. Don't worry. I had her bundled up and we very quickly returned back to the warm apartment.

A little about the warm apartment. For those worried about my survival, please note that the radiator heat here is HOT. We are on the top floor, so we get all the heat from the units below us. It is so warm that we have closed the valves on all the radiators but one...and that one is only partially opened. Still, I wear shorts around this place. It is kind of funny, particularly when the dog decides she has to go out and it takes me ten minutes to layer up. I am very much enjoying the long underwear (thank you Eric and Michelle), which go under the jeans and fleece jacket, which is topped by the down coat, hat, mittens, heavy socks, and tennis shoes. I haven't yet purchased boots, but figure when things go on sale in the Spring I'll pick some up.

That's all for now!


Anonymous said...

Hi Baby! Just wanted to let you know that it was 85 in Hawaii today....I know, I love you too!!!

Jen Rice said...

Do you have an emergency car kit with kitty litter and a small shovel? You'll need it up there... something I learned from growing up in WI.:) miss ya lady!